A new project appears!

Been awhile hasn’t it?

So lets start of this post with a hop.

I got this crazy idea to start up a new project.

I’m thinking of creating an online Aquarium maintenance tracker…
For those that don’t know I currently keep a freshwater aquarium and am planning on starting a Reef tank within the next year or two, as such I’ve been looking for a maintenance tracking app or webapp more specifically that I can use to track everything from water parameters to when I last changed/cleaned the filter media.

Don’t worry though, this shouldn’t actually affect the other projects I have on the go (Project Ra, EdgeIRC and another unnamed project that will be revealed below!)

So the name of this Aquarium based project?  AquariaTrack, well thats the working name, give me a break I only came up with this idea within the past 2 days 😛

Oh and the unnamed project… Well it’s not really unnamed 😛  it’s quantumRadio.  I’m brining that bad boy back!  That’s all I’m gonna reveal at this point and there is not going to be any deadline to get’er done either.